03/23/11 15:54
Advertising Market Slumps 14% in 2010

to 329 million leva, or 14 per cent down from 2009, Krassimir
Gergov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Advertising
Agencies, told an advertising forum on Wednesday.
In his words, advertising prices also lost the same percentage
compared with 2009.
Internet is the only advertising channel that reported a 11 per
cent growth , which is projected to sustain in 2011.
Gross TV advertising revenues remained at their 2009 levels,
while net revenues fell by 10.5 per cent. Major TV channels
reduced advertising prices by 5 per cent in 2010. In the first
two months of 2011, TV advertising grew compared with levels in
early 2009, with a projected 7-10 per cent growth year-on-year.
At 11 per cent, print media advertising saw the steepest
decline, with newspapers suffering nearly two times as badly as
magazines. Radio advertising lost some 3 per cent. Some print
media are expected to go bankrupt in 2011 and radio will keep
its good positions. Outdoors advertising fell 12 per cent.
Of gross ad spending, TV had 65 per cent, print media, 16 per
cent, radio, 8 per cent, outdoors advertising, 7 per cent, and
Internet, 4 per cent.
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Публикувана на 03/23/11 15:54 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/163140_Advertising+Market+Slumps+14%25+in+2010
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