04/26/11 15:37
Bulgaria May Increase RES Power to 25% of Total Energy Consumption by 2020

per cent share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the total
energy consumption, said Tuesday Petko Kovachev of the Green
Policy Institute at a roundtable on the costs and benefits from
renewables with a focus on biomass. Bulgaria's target is a share
of 16 per cent by 2020.
The Green Policy Institute has estimated that by 2050, 100 per
cent of the country's total energy consumption could be supplied
from RES. Bulgaria has enough resources to produce power from
biomass and waste, said Kovachev. However, in order for Bulgaria
to develop RES the one buyer-model should be scrapped and
relevant legislation should be improved, said Kovachev.
Among setbacks to investments in the sector are corruption, lack
of regional policy and inactivity on the part of RES business
associations. Among risks that should be taken into account is
climate change.
Biomass will play an important role in the future energy mix,
said Dietrich Becker, Deputy Chief of Mission of the German
Embassy here. In his words, biomass is not a sustainable energy
source and results depend on good management and relevant
legislation. It is vital that the government sets down rules and
a reliable framework for investments in the sector, said Frank
Scholwin of the German Biomass Research Centre (DBFZ).
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Публикувана на 04/26/11 15:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166572_Bulgaria+May+Increase+RES+Power+to+25%25+of+Total+Energy+Consumption+by+2020
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