06/19/11 20:33
The Helsinki Committee organized a campaign against the SJC

Meanwhile, NHC’s website published an appeal called “Goodbye, SJC”, which citizens can send to SJC through the organization for protection of human rights.
“I express deep outrage at SJC’s selection of a new Head of SCC. This choice seems so illegitimate that delegitimises SJC itself. I express my deep discontent with the regret expressed by SJC in Parliament, claiming that the higher magistrates are not entitled to influence the judges hearing cases of significant public interest, i.e. expressing desire for such powers”, reads the appeal.
“I support the Union of Judges in Bulgaria, insisting that SJC be dissolved. I expressed strong sympathy with judges who are extremely frustrated in their necessity of independent and proper management of the system where they invest their professional life and conviction”, reads the email that ends with an appeal to SJC members to resign. “Please Retire. You are violating my fundamental right to an independent court. You are vitiate my constitutional state”.
Bivol.bg also joined the appeals for SJC’s resignation. SJC should obviously withdraw for the sake of Bulgaria and of Bulgaria’s justice system. Instead of waiting for a call from Brussels or Washington, Bulgarian taxpayers can do this. They have the right to do that because they pay tem their salaries”, reads the appeal. Citizens are urged to send an SMS to a member of SJC and politely ask him/her to withdraw. A sample text reads: “Dear Mr/Ms…, please submit your resignation. For the sake of the country!” The website has published the telephone numbers of SJC’s elective members.
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Публикувана на 06/19/11 20:33 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172522_The+Helsinki+Committee+organized+a+campaign+against+the+SJC
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