07/10/11 18:43
IMF: Bulgaria should build buffers against external risks

According to IMF’s forecasts, Bulgaria’s exports will recover to levels above those prior to the crisis. This will give additional economic impetus and real GDP growth will reach 3% in 2011.
Economic recovery will also boost domestic demand and the average annual inflation is expected to be 4.25%. As unemployment gradually declines, consumption will also gain momentum, allowing real GDP to recover its pre-crisis levels in 2012. Growth will accelerate to 3.5% next year and to 4% in 2013. This is almost double the speed at which all Europe will be developing. IMF expects growth in Europe to stand at 1.8% in 2011 and at 2.1% in 2012. However, the expectations of the financial institution are lower than the Government’s projections for some 3.6% growth. In Q1 2011 alone, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) reported a 3.4% growth of the domestic economy, compared to the same period of last year.
IMF’s directors welcomed the Government’s deficit target. The gap in public finances is to be reduced from 3.2% of GDP in 2010 to below 3% in 2011. A 2.5% of GDP ceiling has been set for the budget deficit. IMF’s experts, however, noted that improving tax collection and resisting the temptation of pre-election spending are the main prerequisites for achieving the budget deficit target. The Government confirmed to IMF's experts its readiness to take additional measures if necessary.
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Публикувана на 07/10/11 18:43 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174658_IMF%3A+Bulgaria+should+build+buffers+against+external+risks
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