09/02/11 17:35
Hospitals indebted by BGN 303 mln, the State will come to their rescue
Dr. Sharkov voiced concerns that the state of the hospitals will be used improperly in the forthcoming pre-election campaign. According to him, the funds for hospitals have increased significantly in recent years but, paradoxically, their liabilities have grown as well.
“If some people are tempted to make use of this issue in the pre-election campaign, they should go back in time to see when the huge debts were accrued,” Dr. Konstantinov retorted. He assured that a strict fiscal policy was being followed and explained the increase in hospitals’ liabilities with inflation and the higher prices of oil and energy.
A day earlier, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov announced in Stara Zagora that hospitals’ debts will be settled with funds from the 2012 national budget.
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Публикувана на 09/02/11 17:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/179710_Hospitals+indebted+by+BGN+303+mln%2C+the+State+will+come+to+their+rescue
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