09/28/11 19:24
EC concerned about anti-Roma demonstrations in Bulgaria

“The EC, in turn, is ready to allocate funding from the European Social Fund for the implementation of the measures and help to the Roma families," said Matthew Newman.
“Kiril Rashkov was arrested on Tuesday night, because of lodged complaints against him, informing that he had threatened to kill Sofia Hristeva, her son Veselin Hristev and the guardian of the murdered Angel Petrov - Ivanka Petrova,” announced officials from the regional Prosecutor's Office in the town of Asenovgrad. The complaints were submitted on September 23, 2011, in the late afternoon, shortly before the outrage in the village of Katunitsa.
Rashkov is likely to be charged with other crimes as well, in addition to the murder threats. He was detained for 72 hours. The District Prosecutor's Office Asenovgrad, is expected to submit a request for him to be placed under arrest –the most severe measure. The law provides for six years in prison for a murder threat.
Meanwhile, it became known that the District Prosecutor's Office in Plovdiv had initiated a pre-trial proceeding against Kiril Rashkov for outstanding tax liabilities for the period 2004-2011. The action was taken after a signal was received from the National Revenue Agency, Plovdiv, dated September 27.
"Rashkov’s liabilities are particularly high," said Galin Gavrilov spokesman of the Regional Prosecutor's Office.
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Публикувана на 09/28/11 19:24 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/182067_EC+concerned+about+anti-Roma+demonstrations+in+Bulgaria
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