10/18/11 19:17
Varna TPP not to build a new power station

Boshnakov explained that the Varna TPP will be equipped with FGD installations based on an entirely new technology. Currently, the plant does not have an agreement for “cold reserve” compensation with the National Electric Company (NEK), although the Varna TPP has included capacities to guarantee electricity consumption in Northeastern Bulgaria. The document is expected to be signed within a week or two, said Dokladal.
For several hours yesterday morning, the region around Varna was partially cut off from the rest of the grid due to the bad weather and damaged power lines. Thanks to the Varna TPP, there were no electricity failures there, Boshnakov commented. The information was confirmed by the Electricity System Operator (ESO).
Meanwhile, CEZ said it will begin the construction of a new sub-station in the Bistritsa quarter, which will improve the power supply for the residents of the Bistritsa, Zheleznitsa, Kokalyane, Pancharevo and Simeonovo neighbourhoods. The implementation of the project will begin in the middle of 2012 and will cost some BGN 400,000.
The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) announced that they do not have any concerns about the electricity grid for the time being and ESO can cope with all eventual problems. SEWRC Chairman Angel Semerdjiev added that, in 2012, some of the prices of green energy generated at plants built with EU funds will be reduced. This will help to keep the price hike of electricity down to 7% next year, he commented.
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Публикувана на 10/18/11 19:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184066_Varna+TPP+not+to+build+a+new+power+station+
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