10/26/11 19:04
BMA: It is not clear how BGN 90 mln of health insurance contributions will be spent

“It is also not clear on what this year’s BGN 340 mln transfer from NHIF to the Health Ministry has been spent. We expect the Minister of Health to answer whether this money was spent on healthcare activities or capital and other expenditures,” added Dr. Raichinov. BMA President voiced his disappointment that in the 2012 draft budget healthcare would again remain outside the spheres that would get higher subsidies and the expected higher revenues in NHIF’s budget from health insurance installments due to the increased minimum monthly wage to BGN 270 have not been calculated.
“This makes between BGN 80-120 mln that should enter the system,” Dr. Raichinov specified. He pointed out as a positive development the fact that health insurance contributions had been mentioned as the only source of proceeds for the NHIF. Regarding the ways of financing the healthcare sector, BMA supports the introduction of the new diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) as a financial tool, but if this is done gradually and the necessary funding is provided. The professional organisation is against the global budgets for 2012, proposed by the Health Minister as a transition to the new DRGs and demands that the currently existing clinical pathways remain in 2012, but adequately adjusted.
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Публикувана на 10/26/11 19:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/185000_BMA%3A+It+is+not+clear+how+BGN+90+mln+of+health+insurance+contributions+will+be+spent+
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