12/07/11 19:12
Podkrepa Labour Confederation prepares for a national strike

Activists from Podkrepa urge all their regional and professional units "to express their outrage and disagreement with the Government’s actions, depriving citizens of their labour and social rights and ultimately reducing the quality of life of Bulgarians."
According to Podkrepa LC, the Government has breached all his commitments in the agreement between trade unions, employers and State, regarding the pension reform. Thus, the changes submitted to the pension system between the first and second reading of the budget laws were illegal.
Podkrepa LC and the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), were at odds about the forms of the upcoming protests yesterday. There was a discrepancy between the two organizations because, CITUB believes in another form of protest, rather than a national strike. The Confederation has consulted its members and the majority of people have expressed their desire for different forms of protest because they did not want to stop work in their companies.
CITUB President Plamen Dimitrov sent a statement to the MPs, urging them to avoid voting on the changes in the retirement age from 2012.
Dimitrov suggested that the Parliament voted only the budget of the National Social Security Institute and left the retirement age to be set up in line with the planned in the National Agreement increase in accordance with the increase in life expectancy.
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Публикувана на 12/07/11 19:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/189158_Podkrepa+Labour+Confederation+prepares+for+a+national+strike
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