12/20/11 18:20
Bulgarians are pessimistic and worried about the near future

Bulgarians are parting with 2011 with growing economic pessimism and anxiety about the near future, according to the results of the nationally representative survey of the Alpha Research Polling Agency in early December, posted on the Agency's website. Fear of the worsening crisis and rising inflation, as well as the increase in unemployment and the contraction of incomes were most common among the expectations of the surveyed citizens. The passing 2011 was rated as the worst year since 1997, while only 10% of the polled described it as better than 2010. Besides, there was an increase in the share of Bulgarians who considered 2011 as a year worse than 2010. The degree of anxiety expressed in the respondents' assessments of the financial situation of our country and of households was close to that for the period before 2001. Besides, 65% of the surveyed believed that Bulgaria's economic situation is deteriorating, while 53% of the polled reported a slump in their household's financial situation. The majority of Bulgarians foresaw negative economic scenarios. A mere 4 -10% of the respondents expressed expectations for a probable increase in incomes and living standards, as well as an upswing in the business sector and positive employment growth next year. The respondents' expectations for an influx of foreign investments and facilitated lending also remained pessimistic. Negative economic news from European countries and apprehensions for the Euroarea's disintegration have led to growing fears of a deterioration of the economic stability of Bulgaria. Every second respondent pointed out that there is a big probability that the current economic crisis will become worse. The concerns identified in the survey have also affected consumer behaviour. At the moment, this is expressed in a moderate balance between spending and saving. Some 37% of Bulgarians are trying to save money, while 47% of our fellow-citizens, instead of saving funds, focus on purchasing in order to avoid the depletion of their savings due to inflation.
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Публикувана на 12/20/11 18:20 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/190427_Bulgarians+are+pessimistic+and+worried+about+the+near+future
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