01/26/12 20:18
Kalin Georgiev resigns?

“The Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior (MI) Kalin Georgiev has submitted his resignation,” announced MPs from the Internal Security and Public Order Committee yesterday. They reckon that that the resignation will probably not be accepted. "I took my decision and I have reported it to Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov. I expect his return from abroad and we will wait for his reaction," stated Georgiev in response to a journalist's question on the matter.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov criticised Georgiev during an interview for NTV because of the infamous raid in the village of Mirovyane, when 20 police officers entered the home of the Nachkovis by breaking down the door and held their daughter in her underwear for more than an hour before announcing that they have found five packs of cigarettes without excise labels.
The Prime Minister said that, as Secretary General at the Ministry of Interior in the period 2001-2005, he had assumed responsibility for everything "but, now, I have not heard Kalin Georgiev submitting any explanation."
Regarding Tsvetan Tsvetanov, who is being criticised by the opposition, Borissov said that "the Minister is not the man who has to train police officers how to inspect a crime scene and how to prevent a murder suspect from committing suicide." He justified the reluctance of Tsvetanov to fire police chiefs by saying that the Minister is not obliged to comply with the recommendations of the Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, 57 MPs from the Coalition for Bulgaria, Movement for Rights and Freedoms, the Blue Coalition and independent MPs filed in the registry of the National Assembly a draft resolution for the setting up of a temporary investigation committee. It will be in charge of inspecting the actions of the law enforcement authorities in the investigation of the murder of Miroslava Nikolova from the town of Pernik.
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Публикувана на 01/26/12 20:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193702_Kalin+Georgiev+resigns%3F
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