01/30/12 19:21
Vitosha Ski JSC violates the privatisation contract

According to him and Andrey Kovachev, member of the National Council of the Green Political Party, it turns out that such investments have not been made in any of the three lift facilities included in the contract – the cable car from the district of Simeonovo to the Aleko mountain hostel, the chair lift from the district of Dragalevtsi to the Goli peak (lift Bai Krusty) and the Kopitoto cable car.
“An investment plan for BGN 500,000 for the first year after the acquisition was attached to the contract,” stated for Klassa daily Andrey Kovachev. According to him, the company did not carry out any reconstruction despite its commitments, because it had no construction rights. Vitosha Ski JSC also breached the clause, stipulating the retention of the field of activity of the facilities and maintenance of the working places.
According to Ovcharov, at least the Zaeka chair lift should be working - it was leased to the Bulgarian Ski Federation back in 2008.
In September last year, ski schools reported to the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports that they faced problems with the Zaeka ski lift. Minister Svilen Neykov sent a written reply that the contract would be reviewed, but this did not happen. That is why eco-activists insist either on the revision of the contract, or on the resignation of Minister Neykov.
Svilen Ovcharov said he would launch an initiative which would enable citizens to seek responsibility from institutions and even to demand cancellation of the privatisation contracts for the lift facilities in Vitosha. Environmentalists urged the Forestry Executive Agency to take possession of some of these facilities because the Vitosha Ski JSC had no right to build them. According to Ovcharov, for this reason the Forestry Executive Agency could be considered the real owner of these facilities.
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Публикувана на 01/30/12 19:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/193978_Vitosha+Ski+JSC+violates+the+privatisation+contract+
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