02/14/12 18:45
The price of natural gas and central heating to increase as of April 1

georgi.velev @ klassa.bg
The price of natural gas and central heating will rise as of April 1, but analyses are still being drafted with regard to the actual price increase, stated yesterday Angel Semerdjiev, Chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). He explained that the Regulator will certainly not approve the price increase of 27% which Bulgargaz SPJSC has demanded. The prices of natural gas in our country are mostly affected by the level of oil prices on Mediterranean markets. However, these have returned to their peak values of 2008. This will be the main reason for the increase in natural gas prices in our country as of April, rather than the fact that Bulgargaz SPJSC has used large quantities of gas from the repository near the village of Chiren. Another reason for the price hike will be the increase in the exchange rate of the dollar to the Euro over recent months.
Semerdjiev praised the gas provider and the transmission gas operator Bulgartransgaz SPJSC for coping successfully with the crisis situation two weeks ago when gas supplies from Russia were reduced.
During the summer, Bulgargaz must restore the reserves in the Chiren repository, but should also consider how to do this and at what prices in order to avoid raising prices further, said Semerdjiev. According to him, the financial situation of Bulgargaz has improved in 2011, year-on-year.
The supplies of natural gas have been restored to their normal volume as of last week, stated Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov. Because of the expected price increase, he added that the fluctuations of gas prices on international markets cannot be controlled by Bulgaria. The amendment of the contract for natural gas supply from Russia, implemented by the former Energy Minister Rumen Ovcharov, has, so far, cost Bulgaria BGN 2 bn, reminded Traikov.
The price of central heating and hot water will increase as of April 1, which is inevitable, added SEWRC. The prices of heating utilities were maintained for the winter season, but the companies' reserves have been depleted and an increase in the heating service price must be allowed, commented Semerdjiev. The Commission failed to specify what the price hike of natural gas and central heating will be. Usually, Bulgarian heating prices become higher when there is an increase of over 5% in the price of natural gas.
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