05/31/12 19:49
Rosen Plevneliev: The worst is over, we have to start building

According to the Head of State, the town of Pernik will become a priority of the Kozloduy Fund since four projects have been identified as most pressing –the reconstruction of the district hospital, of two schools and one kindergarten. Their repair has to start immediately.
At this stage, a total of 2,009 applications have been submitted for the compensations of BGN 325, the payment of which started yesterday. There are 5,000 applications for state assistance in the covering of damages in residential buildings. Their number, however, is expected to double.
The President divided the affected buildings into two categories. Constructively stable buildings that have minor problems and mild deformations belong to the first category. The second group includes buildings with huge damages, which must be demolished.
Currently, there are 73 sites, most of which family houses, which have to be demolished. “A significant part of these belong to the Mini Pernik JSC, which is in a liquidation proceeding. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism has to decide and undertake urgent actions," said Plevneliev.
The President pointed out a project of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for the building of homes for people in need as an option for addressing the housing problems. Redirecting EU funds under programmes for the prevention of disasters and emergencies is another option.
Rosen Plevneliev reassured the citizens of Pernik that despite the fact that the infrastructure of the Studena dam lake is in critical condition, the wall is "absolutely steady” and under the control of the authorities.
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Публикувана на 05/31/12 19:49 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205535_Rosen+Plevneliev%3A+The+worst+is+over%2C+we+have+to+start+building
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