07/30/12 18:19
Municipal councilors from Chelopech work for Dundee Precious

Local people are subjected to every-day explosions and tremors. The polluted air is their smallest concern, because their homes are falling apart. Environmentalist Doncho Ivanov from the Sustainable Development Coalition pointed out that the Chelopech mine has increased its annual production three-fold and this has practically increased the adverse effect on people three-fold. The village is constantly threatened with explosions, noise and dust. “Our homes are cracked. Our soil is poisoned,” Rayna Dimitrova, resident of the village, said. “What else can we expect from these invaders? We breathe the poison, while the company exports the profits,” Mrs. Dimitrova said. She complained about the impudent and irresponsible attitude of institutions towards the people of Chelopech. Mrs. Dimitrova accused Chelopech Mining of a predatory seizure of Bulgaria's riches. She insisted that the company should compensate the victims for their destroyed homes. “Let our voices be heard. Everybody has been ignoring us for 7 years, including the mayor,” Maria Uzunova said.
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Публикувана на 07/30/12 18:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209449_Municipal+councilors+from+Chelopech+work+for+Dundee+Precious
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