09/04/12 16:12
Konstantin Penchev: Even if we elect angels as members of SJC, they will not be able to solve the problems
“Even if we elect angels as members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) and an angel as Chief Prosecutor, they will not solve the problems of the judiciary. The reform of the system was delayed so much that it cannot be implemented either by the Chief Prosecutor, or by the 25 members of SJC,” Bulgarian Ombudsman Konstantin Penchev told BNT on Tuesday. “Bulgarian society has taken the firm stand that SJC is something bad, that its members are criminals by default, who must be sanctioned after the end of every mandate, but a very important issue was not explained: what happens to the statute of those magistrates, who are members of the permanent SJC – will they be attested every 5 years or will they return? This demotivated young people, those whom we all relied on,” Penchev added.The Ombudsman said that some fundamental rights of people with disabilities under the UN Convention on Human Rights are not observed in Bulgaria. There is no accessible environment in Bulgaria yet. Children with disabilities face difficulties at school, too. “Very few school buildings, even new ones, have lifts and it is difficult for disabled students to move between classrooms,” Konstantin Penchev explained.
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Публикувана на 09/04/12 16:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/211452_Konstantin+Penchev%3A+Even+if+we+elect+angels+as+members+of+SJC%2C+they+will+not+be+able+to+solve+the+problems
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