06/24/12 16:04
Irina Mateeva, in charge of European policies, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds: The Environmental Impact Assessment of the Kaliakra wind farm is unprofessional

- Environmental Impact Assessments of the most problematic projects in the protected area have been made, but these are of very poor quality. I mean the Kaliakra wind farm, built with Japanese investments, the St. Nicholas wind farm, built with US investments, and the wind farm of EVN, which is currently under construction. All three have EIA, which are of poor quality. No preliminary surveys have been made for the first and the third project.
- How will this affect the preservation of birds?
- We will not be able to protect the birds efficiently. The geese that spend the winter there avoid areas with wind farms. Our studies in the region of Primorska Dobrudja have already proven that, after it was previously proven in the Netherlands, in Belgium, and elsewhere. The geese will not have where to eat and they will have to relocate if they do not have enough food. When they go back to their nest places, they do not breed. This has been proven for the red-breasted goose. This reduces the population of the endangered species and they fall in the “seriously endangered” category. In ten years, their population has declined by at least about 50% worldwide.
- It became clear that if we do not fulfil this demand within two months, the European Commission might refer the case to the European Court of Justice which, in turn, may require temporary measures. What would these be?
- Things are specific for each specific case. Some of the temporary measures might be cancellation of all payments from EU funds. They may also address the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, asking it to stop financing energy projects in Bulgaria. The measures usually include the so-called financial restrictions. Bulgarian taxpayers will be those who suffer because the Government is more concerned about private investors than about the public interest. Recently, the EU funding for building a motorway in Poland was suspended until the court extended its ruling on the case.
- These days, Deputy Minister of Environment and Water Evdokia Maneva said she did not expect the wind generators at the Kaliakra cape to be moved. What will happen to the protection of birds there in this case?
- The wind turbines can be moved and the costs for that have been calculated and they are not high at all. The European Commission has stated very clearly its demand for dismantling these facilities from that place. If they are removed, the birds will be able to freely use this area.
- How do you expect the case to develop?
- One of the temporary measures will be, perhaps, to stop the operation of these wind farms until the court extends its ruling. But the case will be brought to an end. Our Government has made a decision for the construction of these wind farms, having been informed of the eventual damages. Therefore, the responsibility lies entirely with it.
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Публикувана на 06/24/12 16:04 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207491_Irina+Mateeva%2C+in+charge+of+European+policies%2C+Bulgarian+Society+for+the+Protection+of+Birds%3A+The+Environmental+Impact+Assessment+of+the+Kaliakra+wind+farm+is+unprofessional
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