12/03/12 16:58
Minister Dobrev: Revenues from concessions this year reached BGN 180 mln
“We launched an energy efficiency programme and we have there a total resource of €300 mln,” reminded Dobrev. The third reform that has not given fruit yet is the idea of moving the state administration from Sofia,” added Dobrev.
“During the next programming period, we project to finance with EU funds under operational programmes not all, but mainly these sectors of the economy which are of priority importance to our country,” Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev said during the annual meeting of businesses with the Government, held on Monday. According to him, innovation is one of the sectors with “potential”. He also pointed out as priorities the improvement of energy efficiency and investment in products with high value added. Minister Dobrev recommended businesses to expand their exports to markets outside the EU, including countries like China which register economic growth even at a time of economic crisis in Europe.
Finance Minister Simeon Djankov also stressed the importance of assisting businesses in stepping onto new markets and the development of Bulgaria as a tourist destination. Djankov outlined seven key priorities for the coming months. The first one is to fulfil the budget. The second one is that the Government settles its accounts on time (currently, the State’s debt to companies amounts to BGN 135 mln and non-refunded VAT totals BGN 210 mln.) The liabilities of municipalities to businesses, mainly construction firms, stand at BGN 171 mln. The third and fourth priorities are to reduce red-tape and support the stepping of Bulgarian businesses onto foreign markets. Tourism, including sports tourism, is priority number five. The sixth priority, according to the Finance Minister, is to encourage the administration to work well with businesses. Ministers should declare their vision for their portfolio sectors and what they would do if they keep their positions – this is the seventh priority according to Djankov.
“Building a modern economy should be a No 1 priority,” President Rosen Plevneliev said at the forum. He explained what he meant recently when he stated that he expects investments of around €45 bn in our country until the year 2020. Nearly half of that amount will come from EU funds (including for farming) in the current and the next programming period (2014-2020). Furthermore, about €12 bn in foreign investment is expected until 2020, as well as funds for capital expenditures from the State budget.
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Публикувана на 12/03/12 16:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217664_Minister+Dobrev%3A+Revenues+from+concessions+this+year+reached+BGN+180+mln+
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