10/25/12 16:37
Minister Dobrev: We will support export-oriented companies

After the meeting with the business representatives, Minister Dobrev participated in a seminar called India - Prospects in the Sectors of Energy, Transport, Machine Building and Food Industry, organised by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). He informed the companies from the food and drinks industry about the results of the 17th session of the Bulgarian-Indian Intergovernmental Joint Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation. Delian Dobrev said he has negotiated with India’s Minister of Industry preferential terms for participation of Bulgarian businesses in the international engineering fair India Engineering Sourcing Show in the city of Mumbai in March 2013. According to Dobrev, 15 Bulgarian participants will fly for free to India and will also enjoy free accommodation and preferential prices for their showcases at the exhibition.
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Публикувана на 10/25/12 16:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214275_Minister+Dobrev%3A+We+will+support+export-oriented+companies
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