12/10/12 17:55
Tzvetelina Borislavova is the most influential woman in Bulgaria
Forbes Bulgaria named Tzvetelina Borislavova, owner of the Bulgarian American Credit Bank (BACB), the most influential woman in the country. The list is made up of 25 women the magazine deemed to wield most power in Bulgaria.The ranking reflects the same criteria that have shaped all editions of the original Forbes Magazine's list of The World's Most Powerful People - power over a great number of people, control over large financial resources, power in many spheres/sectors, active use of power to change the situation (in this particular case in Bulgaria). Whether the exercised influence is for the good of society or not is of no consequence for the magazine.
Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner in charge of International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, is in second place followed by Lilyana Pavlova Minister of Regional Development and Public Works.
The Mayor of Sofia, Jordanka Fandakova ranked fourth, one place better than Iskra Fidosova, Chairperson of the Legal Affairs Committee and Vice-Chairperson of GERB's parliamentary group.
Tsetska Tsacheva, Chairperson of the National Assembly, is listed at number six, followed by her deputy Menda Stoyanova, who also presides over the Budget and Finance Committee.
Violina Marinova, Chief Executive Officer of DSK Bank, and Rumyana Bachvarova, head of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov's Political Office, are eight and ninth, respectively. The Top 10 ends with Svetla Kostadinova, Executive Director of the Institute for Market Economics.
You can find the full list of Forbes's 25 most powerful women in Bulgaria in a special edition Forbes Woman.
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Публикувана на 12/10/12 17:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/218327_+Tzvetelina+Borislavova+is+the+most+influential+woman+in+Bulgaria+
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