01/15/13 16:44
No infringements are identified in the transaction for the sand dunes near Nessebar
In 2009, a company, managed by Monica Yosifova, Ivan Todorov - owner of Ciela, and the wife of former Prime Minister Nikolay Vassilev, purchased some 140 acres along Kamchia River's mouth. These are half of the efficient deals at the seaside, after 2008. These lands were evaluated at over €5 mln, Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Miroslav Naydenov said on Tuesday. This is a result of the investigation of the documentation for the sale of the disputed land in Nessebar. Naydenov said that he will start a trial against BSP's leader Sergey Stanishev because the latter called him "a notorious liar", regarding the information provided by Naydenov about Stanishev's girlfriend Monica Yosifova.
"I am not saying that Mrs. Yosifova bought this land, but that she participated in the company Expat Beta, which bought the land," said Miroslav Naydenov.
He said that he will initiate defamation proceedings against Sergey Stanishev, who called him "a notorious liar" because of the information provided by Miroslav Naydenov on BNT's show "Every Sunday."
Naydenov said that he can prove his allegations with documents from the Commercial Register. By decision of the Council of Ministers, chaired by Sergey Stanishev, many transactions were considered for exclusion from the forest fund, Naydenov said - 1,364 acres at the price of BGN 9.40 per acre in 2008 near Varna, 1,339 acres in the same area for the same price on the same date, in August 2008, 560 acres again in Varna, and, on September 16, 2008, 1,048 acres again near Varna.
"These decisions were taken by the Council of Ministers and Mr. Stanishev in his capacity as Prime Minister. Let him answer how these decisions were taken," said Naydenov.
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Публикувана на 01/15/13 16:44 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221640_No+infringements+are+identified+in+the+transaction+for+the+sand+dunes+near+Nessebar
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