01/24/13 16:19
The scope of civil liability insurance in the country is only 82%
According to the report, the number of road accidents involving Bulgarian cars without MTPLI in the last two years was almost identical - under 2,000. Disturbingly, however, the number of accidents with uninsured vehicles in the EU doubled last year compared to 2011, and the total amount of damages claimed nearly tripled. Thus, in 2011 there were 331 car accidents abroad which involved vehicles without MTPLI, while presented monetary claims amounted to BGN 2.45 mln. By comparison, in 2012, the number of claims was 672, or a total of BGN 7.1 mln. Claims against motorists without MTPLI are paid by the so called Guarantee Fund. Its funds are collected via the following mechanism: the insurer adds BGN 8.50 to each policy sold and this money is paid by the insured. Afterwards, it goes to the Fund. After covering the damage caused by drivers with no MTPLI, the Fund seeks its money from the perpetrator of the accident. The Fund pointed out that available funds in it amount to over BGN 100 mln.
According to Head of Traffic Police with the Interior Ministry, Commissioner Anton Antonov, one of the key measures for the increase of the scope of MTPLI includes more roadside checks. A significant contribution to the increase in checks is added by the purchase of more than 160 new tablets (with which the total number of these becomes 260), by which traffic police will immediately check whether the car is insured by entering its registration number into the tablet. The total cost of these tablets amounts to around BGN 300,000, while the total amount for the improvement of traffic conditions (mainly through the purchase and installation of modern cameras), provided to the Ministry of Interior by the Guarantee Fund, is about BGN 1.2 mln per year. The lack of MTPLI is punishable by a fine of BGN 400 to BGN 600 for individuals, and BGN 2,000 - BGN 5,000 for companies.
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Публикувана на 01/24/13 16:19 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222497_The+scope+of+civil+liability+insurance+in+the+country+is+only+82%25
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