02/04/13 16:21
South Stream to enter Bulgarian territory through the beach of Pasha Dere
Because of the project, the pot-holed road to Pasha Dere will be asphalted. Thus, equipment and workers will be able to move freely, but visitors of the beach of Pasha Dere and residents in the area will also benefit from the new asphalt.
The summer berth will be relocated because of the construction of the pipeline, Capt. Velizar Entchev, head of Varna's Maritime Administration announced. This will happen after the confirmation of the final route of the South Stream gas pipeline. At the seabed, the pipes will bypass sixth sunken ships.
The gas pipeline will consist of four pipes of 813 mm thickness. A total of 77,500 pipes, 12 m each, will be laid on the seabed.
The pipes will go 4-5 metres below the surface to the compressor station at Provadia and the inland. A 60 m strip will cover the pipes, above which there will be nothing but low vegetation.
Some 130 people will be hired for the construction of the gas pipe. Gradually, the number of workers will increase significantly. The South Stream gas pipeline will open a lot of work for Port of Varna as well.
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Публикувана на 02/04/13 16:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223349_South+Stream+to+enter+Bulgarian+territory+through+the+beach+of+Pasha+Dere
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