02/06/13 16:48
The South Stream to be constructed in an entirely ecological manner
The exit of the gas pipeline's pipe from the sea to the land will be a few kilometres south from Varna's district Galata, the company said and ensured that all the norms of EU's environmental legislation will be observed.
The exit from the sea to the land area is planned to happen via horizontal drilling. Thus, even during the construction, the pipe will not be visible on the surface.
In the same area, there has already been a pipe for several years, that carries quantities of natural gas from domestic production. Experience shows that this fact affects tourism, businesses or nature in absolutely no way, the South Stream emphasised.
According to the current legislation, the distance between the gas pipeline and at the nearest building should be 120 m.
In the South Stream's case, the pipe is located 4.5 km from the district of Galata, more than 20 km from the city centre, and 8 km from the Asparuhov Bridge.
"It is also important to note that the South Stream gas pipeline will supply natural gas rather than oil or petroleum derivatives. Gas is the cleanest fuel known in the world which, combined with the high-tech solution for the pipeline's exit to the land through horizontal drilling, should not cause any concerns for environmental organisations, the tourism industry and people living in the region," added the company that will implement the project.
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Публикувана на 02/06/13 16:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/223535_The+South+Stream+to+be+constructed+in+an+entirely+ecological+manner
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