02/12/13 15:56
SEWRC changes the terms regarding electricity reporting from EDCs in a month
Within a month, the State regulator will start discussing the overall changes in the general conditions for the activity of EDCs in the country. Required changes will also include the determination of very short terms for the answering in writing to all consumer complaints. Distribution companies should regain consumer confidence, Rokov said.
He described the protests of thousands of people across the country against December's high electricity bills as justified. However, nationalisation in a country which is a Member State of the European Union is impossible, Rokov said regarding protester's requests.
In terms of pricing of consumers' bills, SEWRC's interim Chairman stated that all additions are regulated according to legislation, but the regulator has no right of legislative initiative. Calculation of bills indicates pricing components for a greater transparency. However, consumers are only interested in the accurate reporting period, the amount of energy used and the unit price of electricity supplied, Andon Rokov added.
Dozens of people protested in front of SEWRC's building because of their dissatisfaction with high electricity bills and EDCs' actions. People insist that SEWRC take adequate measures against EDCs and impose penalties for the offences committed by these.
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Публикувана на 02/12/13 15:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224117_SEWRC+changes+the+terms+regarding+electricity+reporting+from+EDCs+in+a+month
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