02/18/13 16:29
Every second fast loan used to pay bills
Fast loans are becoming increasingly popular not only in relation with daily expenses of households. A small number of customers - less than 5% - celebrate and travel on credit, Easy Credit informed. Both genders use quick loans as a priority for bills payment, renovation and furnishing of the house, as well as working capital for family businesses. Women usually also spend these on health and education, while men use such loans for the repair of the family car and equipment purchases.
According to forecasts, the market of small and quick short-term loans will continue to grow rapidly throughout 2013. "We expect a 20% growth, given the planned expansion of our network of offices and credit counsellors with whose help we will reach even more people. Users themselves increasingly prefer our services because of the quickness, convenience and minimum application requirements," explained Ina Ilieva. Data of Easy Credit showed that an increasing number of people are using fast loans and these are active people, with regular and stable incomes, who have no time to waste on applying and waiting for consumer credits.
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Публикувана на 02/18/13 16:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224558_Every+second+fast+loan+used+to+pay+bills
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