05/09/12 14:50
Every second Bulgarian dwelling built beside the Black sea coast

Nearly half of the newly constructed dwellings in Bulgaria over the past eight years are concentrated in and around the Black sea cities of Varna and Burgas, read the analysis of MKB Unionbank for the construction boom period 2004 – 2011. At that time, 125,000 new homes were constructed in our country and nearly 60,000 were located along the seaside, a share of 48%. A major part of these apartments are holiday properties. It is impossible to estimate their precise number based on the representative data, but it is assumed that these number more than 25-30,000, specified the bank. The calculations show that 75% of the new housing units, built from 2004 to 2011, are concentrated in five cities (Burgas, Varna, Sofia, Plovdiv and Veliko Tarnovo).
According to the analysis, the city and district of Burgas are the top performers - over 28% of all new dwellings are concentrated there, or more than 35,000 apartments. The city greeted the construction boom with only 1,806 new homes in 2004, reaching the annual amount of 5,326 new flats at the beginning of the crisis. The city and district of Varna rank second in terms of the volume of new dwellings and every fifth property, or nearly 25,000 apartments, were constructed there. Sofia occupies the third place with its 18,712 new homes, constituting a 15% share. Plovdiv ranks fourth with 7, 704 new properties and a share of 6%, followed by Veliko Tarnovo with 5, 773 newly-built apartments and a share of about 5% in the new construction output. The real estates in cities and districts developing winter tourism number around 3, 200.
The top tanked cities in terms of the highest volume of new homes are also forerunners with respect to housing prices. According to the official NSI (National Statistical Institute) data for the first quarter of 2012, the average price per sq m in Bulgaria was BGN 883.85, considering the price decrease of 0.4% from last quarter, while compared to a year earlier, there is a slump of 4.3%. In Sofia, a price increase - up to BGN 1,465.33 per sq m -was reported. Varna remains second in terms of the most expensive real estates - BGN 1,439.00 per sq m and Burgas retains the third place with BGN 1,158.83 per sq m.
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Публикувана на 05/09/12 14:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203385_Every+second+Bulgarian+dwelling+built+beside+the+Black+sea+coast
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