02/19/13 16:52
Economists: Financial instability is possible after the resignation of Simeon Djankov
Georgi Angelov commented that the replacement of the Finance Minister might influence the interest rate of the bond issue and the biggest problem would be if there are no participants in the tender of securities and the money needed cannot be collected.” In such a case, other ways should be sought and other tenders should be organised in the coming weeks but other payments are due at the beginning of next month. Therefore, the interest rate is very important, concluded the economist. The new Finance Minister Tomislav Donchev will have an easier task because he is acquainted with European diplomacy and will not to go into such criticism against the financial policy of the Eurozone as Djankov did,” Angelov said.
“The replacement of the Finance Minister causes arouses “uncertainty and instability”, commented Atanas Garov, Deputy Chairman of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG). He pointed out that, in the present situation, businesses in Bulgaria are mainly interested whether the policy of financial stability and predictability will be followed. “We have worked with Tomislav Donchev but we have no observations on his new responsibilities. We do not know whether there will be a turn in policies,” added Garov. According to him, from a business perspective, such a major change before the elections creates instability.
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Публикувана на 02/19/13 16:52 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224656_Economists%3A+Financial+instability+is+possible+after+the+resignation+of+Simeon+Djankov
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