02/20/13 17:05
Yane Yanev: OLJ has a trump-card
OLJ is holding a very strong trump-card and, after a meeting of the Political Council, we will decide whether to use it. This trump-card will reverse processes and will not allow the mafia to rejoice. In the coming days, the curtains and umbrella that covered the energy mafia will fall, Chairman of OLJ Yane Yanev said in Parliament on Wednesday. "I am not sure that an interim Government is the best option. There are other possibilities," he said."OLJ is the only party in Bulgaria that, from the moment of its establishment until today, has had a single cause - changing the model," said the leader of the party. According to Yanev, this model is totally wrong, this country is exhausted, it is post-totalitarian and it should go into the dustbin of history. The will of the people should build the third Bulgarian state. And this can happen with a Grand National Assembly and a new Constitution, said Yane Yanev.
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Публикувана на 02/20/13 17:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224753_Yane+Yanev%3A+OLJ+has+a+trump-card
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