02/23/11 18:35
Thorbjørn Jagland: The Council of Europe will assist Bulgaria's accession to Schengen area

I think the Council of Europe will support the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen area, which your country actually deserves. It is a beautiful and important EU member-state playing an active and constructive role in the Council of Europe, stated yesterday the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland. He is on a two-day visit to Bulgaria and already met with Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov at the Council of Ministers.
"The next step for Bulgaria is to become a legally-qualified member of the Schengen area,'' was emphatic Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. According to him, his meeting with the PM was very constructive.
"Thanks for all that the Council of Europe has done for Bulgaria's accession to the European Union. We are also grateful for the assistance on the currently drafted project for human rights and on the ratification of agreements," said also PM Boyko Borissov.
"All necessary steps are being taken for the reduction of cases filed with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg,'' stated also the PM. He was adamant that the Bulgarian State had also won many cases. "This is the real EU democracy, therefore we are all so glad that we joined it," said the PM. According to him, this is a favourable opportunity if one does not find satisfaction in their own legislation. The PM said that a number of agreements were ratified relating to money laundering, cultural and ethnic problems, and to the integration of minorities.
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Публикувана на 02/23/11 18:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160271_Thorbj%C3%B8rn+Jagland%3A+The+Council+of+Europe+will+assist+Bulgaria%27s+accession+to+Schengen+area
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