02/28/11 19:15
300 companies display novelties in the construction sector at the Bulgarian Building Week 2011 trade show in the Sofia capital

Evgeni Sirakov
This year's edition of the Bulgarian Building Week 2011 trade show is enjoying increased interest on the part of the business sector. The exhibition will be attended by nearly 300 companies exhibitors and sub-exhibitors, while last year, direct participants numbered 210 companies, announced for Klassa the organisers of Bulgarreklama Agency and Inter Expo Center. The forum will show the new developments in the branch in the period March 8-12
Last year's trend for offering energy-saving materials continues, as well as the imposition of cost-saving products on the market. At the exhibition, the energy-saving product Izobeton will be also featured, which represents insulation wall blocks. Its advantages are 30% cost savings, less energy required for heating or air conditioning, as well as better earthquake resistance without condensation and the development of micro-organisms, etc.
As regards roof systems, many new materials for the market will also be featured. If you want to make a garden on the roof, you have three options. The first relates to the systems Ondusolar, Onduline and Ondugreen, which are solutions for making a "roof garden" for flat and pitched roofs. The second option refers to the Ondukler system with light-emitting sandwich panels and the third pertains to Ballit which is a material applicable to chemically aggressive environments.
In addition to new products, during the Bulgarian Building Week 2011, traditional business meetings will be held, as well as debates on construction. On the first day of the event, the annual conference "BuildinGreen- Stable Construction and Energy Efficiency" will take place, while the discussion on "Innovation in design and construction" is scheduled for March 11th. During the exhibition, the new initiative referring to the specialised Salon GeoEkspo will also be held, which will be organised by the Bulgarreklama Agency, as well as by non-governmental organisations in the field of geodesy and cartography. Besides, the conference ''Geodesic Technologies and Markets 2011" will facilitate businesses and innovations in this sector.
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Публикувана на 02/28/11 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160839_300+companies+display+novelties+in+the+construction+sector+at+the+Bulgarian+Building+Week+2011+trade+show+in+the+Sofia+capital
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