03/06/11 16:39
Taxes and fines can be paid at a single desk in supermarkets

Citizens will be able to pay their taxes in the supermarket. This can be done in the stores of the Piccadilly retail chain, which launched the service for the first time in Bulgaria in partnership with Easy Pay, the company announced. Local taxes (including millage tax, garbage tax, vehicle taxes, taxes for real estate property acquisition, inheritance taxes) for the territory of Sofia may be paid with the personal Unique Citizen Number (UCN), and for the country – upon receiving a notice from the respective municipal administration. Citizens can also pay fines under the Road Traffic Act and fines imposed by the Road Traffic Police at the information desks in the supermarkets.
“Our aim is to make things easier for clients by combining the possibility to do at a single store the daily and weekly shopping, pay utilities and cable TV bills, withdraw cash, buy tickets for cultural and sporting events, and now pay taxes and fees,” said Nikolay Neshev, CEO of the Piccadilly chain.
The new service will be available in all Piccadilly stores in the towns of Varna, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, Lovech, Stara Zagora, Vidin, Samokov, Yambol, Gabrovo, Ruse, and in the supermarkets in Sofia City Centre, Mall of Sofia, Serdica Centre, Retail Park Plovdiv, Mall of Plovdiv and the express stores in the Chekhov, Mladost 1, Lozenets and Lagera residential districts and on Dondukov boulevard in the capital.
The Piccadilly retail chain has 38 stores in twelve Bulgarian towns, including 26 supermarkets, 11 Piccadilly Express corner shops and a hypermarket, Tempo. The chain is owned by Delta Maxi Group.
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Публикувана на 03/06/11 16:39 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/161177_Taxes+and+fines+can+be+paid+at+a+single+desk+in+supermarkets
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