10/13/11 19:03
Transport Minister, Ivaylo Moskovski: The cost of the Struma tunnel will be announced within a month

According to the data, the traffic conforms to the EU requirements for funding under OP Transport and the construction of the Struma highway will be financed with EU funds. Its technical design is planned to be ready by 2013. "The geotechnical and tunnel construction works will find a wide application in the next programming period under OP Transport. Then, the implementation of one of the major transport projects for Bulgaria is expected, including the construction of the railway lines Vidin - Sofia and Sofia – Septemvri, as well as the tunnel under the Shipka Pass along with the construction of new subway sections, commented also the Transport Minister.
A tunnel will be constructed at the Southern arc of the Sofia Ring Road, along the route between the Boyana Government Residence and the turn-off of the Lyulin highway, announced Chief Architect of Sofia Petar Dikov. The construction of the cost-effective 2-tube facility will save overall BGN 30 - 35 mln from expropriation procedures. "The construction estimate of a tunnel with similar parameters will stand at BGN 60 - 80 mln and it can be completed for some 30 months," indicated Engineer Valentin Trashliev, Chairman of Bulgarian Association for Geotechnical and Tunnel Construction.
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Публикувана на 10/13/11 19:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/183615_Transport+Minister%2C+Ivaylo+Moskovski%3A+The+cost+of+the+Struma+tunnel+will+be+announced+within+a+month
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