04/18/11 19:37
Claude Gueant: Bulgaria will ultimately join the Schengen area
"Joining Schengen is a collective process and it depends not only on the assessment of the technical committee, which I have no doubt will be positive, but on the political appraisal as well," said Gueant adding that the country had done tremendous efforts in order to meet the criteria for accession. "France will do the necessary steps to assist Bulgaria," he assured. His words revealed that a proposal had been made for the EU member states to cooperate with their Bulgarian colleagues in protecting our external borders. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov confirmed this statement and explained that soon, even these days, our Interior Ministry would propose to France to send officers for joint work and cooperate with our border services.
According to Gueant, the share of Bulgarian crime in France is very small compared with the Romanian one which has marked the Paris area. He congratulated us for the adopted legislative changes and announced that before the start of the press conference he had visited the building which would house the specialized court. The Minister did not fail to deliver special greetings from President Nicolas Sarkozy.
"In the coming years, we will set up a standard and will be an example. We aim at joining the Schengen area in order to contribute to the security throughout the EU," said Prime Minister Borissov and noted that "we had no problems with France regarding our candidacy."
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Публикувана на 04/18/11 19:37 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/166001_Claude+Gueant%3A+Bulgaria+will+ultimately+join+the+Schengen+area
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