06/08/11 19:30
Two SJC judges submit their resignations in protest against biased judicial appointments

"The election of a SCC Chair was obviously an undemocratic one, as well as non-transparent and biased. In fact, its predetermined result is unacceptable for both the judicial community and the civil society," pointed out Galina Zaharova in her motives for resignation before the SJC.
She indicated that this appointment was just another consecutive example of the SJC using procedure, not stipulated in the law. " This is wht I think that the appointment of cadres is implemented under a vicious scheme, contrary to the principles of legality, transparency, accessibility, responsibility, accountability and predictability," specified Zaharova and added that "she does not want and is incapable neither of "lobbying" nor of accepting ''to be someone else's voice because she is a judge''. "Once again, the prevailing arguments were not professional,," indicated in her motives, Kapka Kostova.
The resignations of both judges must be voted by the SJC today. Afterwards, Kostova will be reappointed at the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) of the Republic of Bulgaria, whereas Galina Zaharova will be reinstated at the Sofia Court of Appeal. They were among the Judicial Council members who raised the candidacy of Velichka Tsanova for SCC Head. Although she obtained the support of the judicial community, which collected some 109 signatures in favour of her nomination, Tsanova received only five SJC votes. After the leaving of Kostova and Zaharova, there will be four SJC vacant posts because last year two other Council members resigned following the scandal with the notorious businessman Krassyo the swarthy man.
Meanwhile, the Mediapool daily online news edition reported that the new SCC Head, Vladimira Yaneva has been delaying one of the proceedings instigated against members from the former management of 'Sofiyski Imoti' (Sofia Real Estates), who in 2002 took a decision to sell two real estates belonging to her father.
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Публикувана на 06/08/11 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171352_Two+SJC+judges+submit+their+resignations+in+protest+against+biased+judicial+appointments
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