06/09/11 18:00
PM Borissov: Velchev is a very good choice for Prosecutor General

The dialogue between the two coincided with the public discussion at the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) of the resignation of judges Kapka Kostova and Galina Zaharova who quit the SJC in protest against the selection of Vladimira Yaneva to head the Sofia City Court.
In about an hour, the senior judges subjected their colleagues to a public lynch, accusing them of involvement in a conspiracy against the State, lobbyism, irresponsibility and weakness of character.
The most extreme in his accusations was Ivan Kolev, who said he doubted that the resignations were a personal choice and, according to him, they were a part of a scenario against the State. “This scenario, including resignations, has been transferred to the executive power as well where resignations are already demanded,” specified Kolev.
According to Justice Minister Margarita Popova, who also joined the debate, the resignations were a kind of protest. “In order to avoid such resignations disturbing the work of the SJC it needs to consolidate its efforts to be recognised as an authority where there is agreement, which works transparently, professionally, with care for the judicial system and concern for the stability of State power,” she added. Later on, Kostova and Zaharova gave a special press conference where they stated that lobbyist practices are still in use in the personnel selection in the judiciary system.
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Публикувана на 06/09/11 18:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171485_PM+Borissov%3A+Velchev+is+a+very+good+choice+for+Prosecutor+General
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