06/10/11 14:09
Entrants from All Over the World Expected at Water Tower Art Fest

international contemporary art festival, will take place between
June 24 and 30 in five key locations in downtown Sofia: an
unused water tower in the Lozenets neighbourhood, the Serdika
Subterranean Vault (former Sofia Store), the showroom of the
Roca bathroom products company, the former Central Mineral
Baths, and the Military Museum, says one of the organizers, Nia
The main themes of this year's festival include the quality of
life in an urban environment, nature conservation, informal
communication through art, and socially committed art.
Installations and other works by artists from across Europe,
China, Israel and the United States, among other countries and
regions, will go on display. The event will be opened with a
music-and-presentation programme. Theatrical shows will be
staged in the water tower between July 1 and 10.
Over 130 distinguished contemporary art personalities from
Bulgaria and across the world are expected to take part. As 2011
is the European Year of Volunteering, the Water Tower Art Fest
is being organized by a team comprising over 50 volunteers.
All festival events are supported financially by the Sofia City
Hall and will proceed under the patronage of Mayor Yordanka
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Публикувана на 06/10/11 14:09 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171554_Entrants+from+All+Over+the+World+Expected+at+Water+Tower+Art+Fest
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