10/26/11 10:03
Music for freedom and faith

27 October (Thursday), Main Hall, 19:00
1 November (Tuesday), Main Hall, 19:00
State Opera Stara Zagora
Stara Zagora, 30
Mitropolit M. Kussev blvd.
Phone: 042 62 24 31
Conductor: Zdravko Lazarov
Head styles: Krassimir Kashev
Director: Annette Laystenshnayzer
Soloists: Peter Danailov Krunev Alexander, Elena Baramova, Nina Dimitrova, Ofelia Hristova, Daniela Dyakova, Shmilena Sultanov, Milko Mikhailov, Alexander Marulevo, Emilia Djurova, Ivailo Yovchev
Although Nabucco is only Verdi’s third opera, he has managed to create a highly suggestive work on the biblical topic. He was first captivated by the beginning of psalm 136 in the libretto: “Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” (Fly, thought, upon gilded wings...), which inspired him to a spontaneous composition of a choir, whose fiery melody and rhythm made it into a song of liberation sung all over Italy. He finished the whole opera within a few weeks after that. The passionate music of the piece about the liberation of Jews from Egyptian captivity fully corresponded to the mood of the populace, yearning for liberation from Austro-Hungarian power and the unification of Italy.

The opera Nabucco was performed for the first time in 1842 and made Giuseppe Verdi famous all over Europe for the beauty of its music, while in Italy the opera became famous too because of the political message it contains: the singing of the oppressed people who desire freedom, represented here by the choir of the jews. For this reason the choir you can listen to in this video clip has become the anthem of the oppressed people from all over the world.
The opera was Verdi’s first to be an instant and tremendous success with the public Verdi said that "with this opera, my artistic career may be said to have begun". Nabucco’s success helped the 28-year-old composer to overcome the disastrous premieres of his first two operas and a personal tragedy and to permanently establish his reputation as a composer.
This production gives unusual treatment to the biblical story about the defeat of the Jews by the Babylonian King Nabucco and the conflict between the two nations. But the place gives an ambivalent impression: on the one hand it is safe, while on the other hand the closed space makes the characters’ inner and outward conflict still more tragic.
In the opera Nabucco one can observe Verdi’s pertinence to the epoche of romanticism. The opera also features beautifull arias and more choir passages that are worth listening to.

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Публикувана на 10/26/11 10:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/184914_Music+for+freedom+and+faith
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