06/12/11 19:25
SJC to inspect the new SCC Head

We will check the facts about the real estates owned by the new Head of the SCC (Sofia City Court), Vladimira Yaneva and should any infringement be detected, she will be held accountable, said yesterday on BNR (Bulgarian National Radio), the Chair of the Ethics Committee with the SJC (Supreme Judicial Council), Tsoni Tsonev on the occasion of the information that Yaneva purchased from the 'Sofiyski Imoti' EAD (Sofia Real Estates SPLTD) real estates at low prices for her father and, afterwards, as a judge, she postponed the abuse proceedings instigated against the municipal company. Tsonev specified that before the judicial discussion of the nomination of Vladimira Yaneva, SJC did not know that she had heard the case filed against Sofia Real Estates SPLTD, provided she had signed deals for two properties at the municipal company. "Had we received such information, there would have been no election of SCC Head," added he and explained that it was a witnessed practice for the Judicial Council to terminate the election contest when signals of violations were submitted. "Had we received this signal, we would have carried out a fraud inspection. Had it been possible, it would have happened right before the election itself and if not - we would have postponed the voting," explained Tsonev. He reminded that on Thursday the SJC Inspectorate assumed the commitment to verify the case of Sofia Real Estates SPLTD, which was delayed by Yaneva for a few months and returned to the Prosecutor's Office as part of the overall inspection carried out by the SCC Criminal Division.
"She, acting as a representative of her father, was involved in the purchase of two properties offered by Sofia Real Estates SPLTD. At the same time, she, serving as a judge, was appointed to hear criminal proceedings initiated against the people managing the SPLTD. She agreed to hear this case and having delayed it for five-six months, she tried to return it to the Prosecutor's Office,'' clarified the situation, Atanas Atanasov.
In the words of the Spokeswoman of the Bulgarian Judges Association, Nelly Koutskova, the objective criteria gave priority to the other main contender for the post, Velichka Tsanova.
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Публикувана на 06/12/11 19:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171711_SJC+to+inspect+the+new+SCC+Head+
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