06/13/11 09:56
Free Jazz Flamenco
by Petar PLAMENOV18 June (Saturday), Bulgaria Hall, 19:30
Free Jazz Flamenco
David Peña "Dorantes", Spain · Renaud Garcia-Fons, France · Teodosii Spasov
Bulgaria Hall
Address: Sofia, 1 Aksakov Str.
Working time: mon-sun 09:00–18:30
Phone: 02 987 76 56
Flamenco is a folk art and culture from Spain. It is particular to the province of Andalusia in Spain. Historically, it has always been the musical outlet of the poor and oppressed. It passed on by oral tradition which the individual artist uses as the basis for his own variations.
Flamenco is a tripartite art, involving singing, dance and the guitar simultaneously - as well as rhytmic punctuation (by hand-claps and other methods) that is considered an art form. There are hundreds of different types of pieces within flamenco, which have generic names such as seguiriyas, soleares, alegrías, malagueñas, fandangos, zapateado, rondeña, etc. They are defined by characteristic melodic, rhytmic, and harmonic structures; each has a characteristic mood and many are regional variants of essentially similar forms. And in this concert we can enjoy flamenco, which has become the occasion for jazz inspiration ...
Free Jazz Flamenco is a project of Spanish pianist David Pena Dorantes featuring French double bass virtuoso Renaud Garcia-Fons and Bulgarian flutist Theodosii Spassov. The trio will play in the Bulgaria Hall in Sofia on 18 June. They will usher the audience into the beautiful world of improvised and original music and will prove flamenco is an infinitely rich, not just traditional, genre. The three virtuosos will perform the composition We Are Water Theodosii Spassov wrote for the foundation by the same name. The audience will be able to contribute to the cause. The co-organisers, Jazz Plus, have pledged to donate one lev from the price of every purchased ticket to support the mutual project of UNICEF, UN Children's Fund, and We Are Water foundation in the South and East regions of the Democratic Republic of Kongo, Africa. Activity of greatest importance there is to improve the access to drinking water, the hygiene, the sewerage system, and the cholera control in rural and semi-rural areas.
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Публикувана на 06/13/11 09:56 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/171736_Free+Jazz+Flamenco
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