06/16/11 19:15
A double increase in Bulgarian exports of dairy products over five years

Bulgaria exported 37,000 tonnes of dairy products in 2010 - twice the amount than in 2006, reported Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food, Tsvetan Dimitrov. The overall growth of 4.6% of the livestock sector constitutes 31% of the value of agricultural output. A 12.7% increase in the trade turnover in live animals and animal products was registered, compared to 2009. Besides, the imports of animal products rose by 9% and exports jumped by 19.8%. Nearly 82% of the trade in animal products was done with EU member-states. The entire Bulgarian processing industry is experiencing a shortage of raw materials. Perhaps, there is positive balance of trade in white meat.
On 31 December this year, the last deadline extension for the Bulgarian milk sector, granted by Brussels, expires. All farms producing in non-compliance with EU Food Safety Standards will be closed after January 1, 2012
The analysis prepared by the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency showed that, by the middle of June, 50 – 52% of the milk produced in Bulgaria was consistent with EU requirements. Over the past four years, nearly 37,000 of Bulgarian farms dropped out of the branch, which means that a process of restructuring and consolidation is underway.
A total of 2,650 farms ranked in the first category comply fully with EU Food Safety Regulations. They are raising a total of 105,000 animals and producing 460,000 tonnes of milk. Overall 811 farms ranked in the second category rear a total of 15,000 animals and yield 42,000 tonnes of cow milk. These farms are undergoing renovation and comply with about 95% of EU Food Safety Standards. Some 36,000 farms ranked in the third category experience serious problems. Should they start upgrading by the year's end, even if the investment is not completed, they will not be closed down and will be granted the final deadline extension for compliance, explained Tsvetan Dimitrov. According to him, there is a risk after January 1, 2012 for our country to lose 8% - 10% of the milk produced. Since the annual milk quota for Bulgaria is approximately 1 million tonnes, this implies that we can withstand the deficiency of 100,000 litres of cow milk output.
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Публикувана на 06/16/11 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/172297_A+double+increase+in+Bulgarian+exports+of+dairy+products+over+five+years+
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