06/29/11 18:28
EA Maritime Administration tightens control over the tourist cruise ships and jet skis

This summers, for the purpose of providing continuous control over the activity of the tourist cruise ships and jet ski riding, the teams of the Executive Agency Maritime Administration (EAMA) in Varna and Burgas will be complemented through the secondment of EAMA officials from the Sofia branch, announced yesterday the Head of the EA Maritime Administration, Sergey Tsarnakliyski. In his words, inspections would be conducted throughout the entire season, both by land and sea, including weekends. Overall 10 inspectors from the Sofia EAMA's branch will be posted to the Black sea side branch of the Agency. The Maritime Administration will rely on volunteers, such as freelance collaborators. The inspections by water will be implemneted jointly with the participation of the Bulgarian Border Police.
Sergey Tsarnakliyski participated in the second national meeting and international seminar on the project dubbed ''Transnational Network for the Promotion of Water-Land Multimodal Transport'' - WATERMODE, which started yesterday in Varna. The Forum was attended by representatives of public administrations and the private sector in the field of logistics, multimodal transport and ports.
In the words of Anna Natova, Head of the EAMA team partnering in the WATERMODE project, the Conference discussed the development of a database freely accessible to everyone. It will be finalised by the end of June.
The project is implemented jointly by 14 EU member states. Its total value is around €3.2 mln. In Tsarnakliyski's words, so far information has been collected from the 286 logistical facilities located at the EU countries, which are involved in the project. On the Bulgarian side, a total of 12 logistics centres are participating, among which the Ports of Varna and Burgas.
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Публикувана на 06/29/11 18:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/173632_EA+Maritime+Administration+tightens+control+over+the+tourist+cruise+ships+and+jet+skis
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