07/06/11 19:30
Moody’s downgrades Portugal’s credit rating to junk

Among its main motives Moody’s notes that the Portuguese Government’s plans for budget cuts will not cover healthcare, public companies, local and regional governments. In 2010, the gap in the Treasury of Portugal exceeded 9% of the gross domestic product (GDP). The deficit should be reduced to 5.9% this year and to 3% by 2013. Moreover, the experts say that the Government will face formidable challenges in reducing spending, increasing tax compliance and achieving economic growth as a whole. Without decisive action on the part of major European players, concerns about the Euro are growing, adds the agency.
Portugal’s new centre-right government said in a statement that Moody’s did not take into account the strong political backing for the austerity measures and the extraordinary tax, imposed last week.
The European Commission, in turn, criticised Moody’s decision describing it as “dubious” and being inconsistent with the assessments made by the European Union, AFP reported.
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Публикувана на 07/06/11 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174331_Moody%E2%80%99s+downgrades+Portugal%E2%80%99s+credit+rating+to+junk+
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