08/07/11 18:42
The US disapproves of its reduced credit rating. Standard & Poor's prepare a new downgrading

The US criticized the credit-rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P), which downgraded its rating from AAA to AA +, regardless of the warnings of the US Department of the Treasury about errors admitted in the calculations, posted RIA Novosti. According to the Treasury Department, the Agency "missed" a total of $2 trln of the budget projections for the target public spending, which "led to a denigrated assessment".
The Head of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, Gene Sperling, defined S&P's decision as inconceivable since financial estimates were miscalculated. "The scale of the admitted errors is amazing along with the Agency's readiness to provide a quick explanation for them, after the miscalculations were pointed out. This alludes to a fraudulent attempt for fabricating arguments for the already drawn-up conclusion," indicated Sperling.
A day after the downgrading, S&P warned that the "plan for increasing the debt ceiling was a failure and it may proceed to a new rating reduction". The company does not reckon that it has trespassed the admissible border with its actions, since it was absolutely focused on Washington's political paralysis.
Besides, the Credit Agency commented that it was possible that the US credit rating be lowered further to a AA if no reforms are adopted in the area of public finances. Moreover, the previous actions of public authorities strongly contrasted to the recommendations of agencies. On Friday night, two other well-known rating agencies - Moody's and Fitch reported that currently they had no intention of following S&P's rating assessments.
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Публикувана на 08/07/11 18:42 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/177292_The+US+disapproves+of+its+reduced+credit+rating.+Standard+%26+Poor%27s+prepare+a+new+downgrading
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