07/10/11 15:13
EC plans a new transport strategy

The key steps for connecting the transport systems of the European Community and its neighbours include the expansion of EU’s domestic aviation market and the Single European Sky to neighbouring regions, as well as connecting the Trans-European Transport Network with the infrastructure of EU’s neighbours through priority transportation projects. Better use of the opportunities for railroad transportation has been projected by opening up markets and the elimination of technical barriers such as the difference in the width of railroad tracks. The establishment of the an Eastern Partnership Group in the sector has been planned. The new structure will work more actively in the field of regional cooperation in the transport sector.
While presenting the document EC’s Vice President Siim Kallas said: “If we want to seriously develop relations with our neighbours, we need to provide the infrastructure which is vital for the movement of goods and people crossing borders, and to eliminate red tape and hindrances.”
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Публикувана на 07/10/11 15:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174584_EC+plans+a+new+transport+strategy
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