07/11/11 19:07
Wealthy Bulgarians buy real estate in Vienna and London

“Most often, the prices at which transactions in these areas are concluded are in the range between of €150,000 and €300,000 for apartments,“ commented other real estate experts. In the luxury segment, prices do not exceed €1 mln in most cases. In Vienna, a small apartment can even be bought for prices below €70, 000, as the larger housing estates there are traded at prices in the range of between €150,000 and €250,000. A luxury two-bedroom apartment near Riviera del Sol in Spain can be purchased for around €150,000. Prices are roughly the same in Italy, depending on the location of the property. Some houses and apartments can be found for prices even below €100,000. In the UK and London in particular, the prices of luxury properties remain among the highest. Apartments and houses in the centre of the British capital often cost more than €1 mln. Offers below this price are rare.
There has been serious interest in Greece in recent years, which had faded for a certain period of time. The estimates of most experts of the property market there, however, indicate that the demand for houses and apartments may increase this year.
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Публикувана на 07/11/11 19:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174768_Wealthy+Bulgarians+buy+real+estate+in+Vienna+and+London+
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