04/01/12 19:28
Stanishev nominated for BSP leader in Sofia and Plovdiv

”The most important issue for BSP is to take a stand at the Congress - both towards the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) party and the events happening in the country,” said yesterday Stanishev for TV 7. He was clear that he does not consider politics to be a behind-the-scenes game but he is a supporter of open political behaviour with clear rules.
Stanishev did not comment in detail on his leadership battle with Georgi Parvanov, but made it clear that he does not accept the criticisms of his predecessor on the state of BSP and its prospects.
Georgi Parvanov, in turn, released on his website his views on the necessary organisational reforms in the BSP. The predecessor of Stanishev once again recommended the direct election of the party Leader by BSP's members, inner referendums on key issues for the party, preliminary elections for the nomination of candidates for President of Bulgaria, a removal of the category "delegates at the Congress by right", such as MPs and former Party leaders.
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Публикувана на 04/01/12 19:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200094_Stanishev++nominated+for++BSP+leader+in+Sofia+and+Plovdiv
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