08/02/11 18:48
NEK is waiting for the Russian side to withdraw its claim for the Belene NPP

“Currently, the experts from NEK are collecting the necessary information and, within ten days, we can file our claim,” Andonov said. The managers from Atomstroyexport announced informally as early as Monday that they have no intention of withdrawing their claim against the Bulgarian company. According to Andonov, the Russian company is now also checking the Bulgarian claim for the old equipment and the response of the Russians is expected today.
“I believe that the Russians will act reasonably and, in the interest of both parties, will take the necessary steps. I expect the claim of the Russian side to be withdrawn,” Andonov said.
He does not expect that Atomstroyexport will raise additional claims against NEK. “It is normal for both parties, as partners, to first try to reach an agreement. If both parties are willing to work on the Belene NPP project, it will not fail,” said Andonov.
He said that NEK’s managers were surprised by the actions of the Russian side because, until the end of May, the negotiations on the Belene NPP had been progressing well.
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Публикувана на 08/02/11 18:48 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176965_NEK+is+waiting+for+the+Russian+side+to+withdraw+its+claim+for+the+Belene++NPP+
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