03/16/11 19:28
Bulgaria to loose € 1 bn if the reactor produced for the Belene NPP is moved to the Kozloduy NPP

“Bulgaria will loose a total of €1 bn if the unit produced for the Belene NPP is transferred to a site near the Kozloduy NPP,” said yesterday Kirill Komarov,” Director of the Nuclear Energy Complex Directorate with the Rosatom corporation at a forum of suppliers from the nuclear industry. He explained that the money will be lost because of the investments already made under the Belene NPP project. The moving of the nuclear reactor might also slow down the project by another 2-3 years. The site at the town of Belene is ready for construction, large investments are made and the plant can be built there in the shortest possible time.
“About 40% of the project price covers security systems,” explained Komarov. And he even joked that if the investors in the project insist on more security “even a breakwater against tsunami may be built at the future plant”. “New security facilities will certainly make the project more expensive,” are clear from Rosatom.
The Russian side is well disposed, expecting to achieve tangible results in the negotiations with Bulgaria for the price of the Belene NPP. Komarov repeated that the standard price was €6.3 bn so far, and it had been established because the Bulgarian Government had requested it. “Now, we are talking on an increased price and we are ready to work on both options.” According to him, if both parties achieve an agreement on the price by the end of March, in September, the work on the site might be launched and both units will be ready in 2017. “If the price remains fixed, it will not change even if the project is not completed within 7 years,” said Sergey Novikov, spokesman of Rosatom
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Публикувана на 03/16/11 19:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/162381_Bulgaria++to++loose++%E2%82%AC+1+bn+if++the+reactor+produced+for+the+Belene+NPP+is+++moved++to++the++Kozloduy+NPP
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