08/02/11 19:35
The Louvre Museum is interested in cooperation with Bulgaria

The letter was written on July 18, 2011 - just six days after the return of Henry Loyrette from his first visit to our country.
"In the spirit of our agreements, I would like once again to emphasise how happy we would be to consider options for joint scientific work and cultural cooperation. I will consider the proposals that you would like to make with the greatest attention. We, on our part, will also discuss the form in which such cooperation can be developed, " stated the Museum Director. He invited Minister Rashidov to visit the museum in Paris.
"Your country conceals great treasures, both in terms of its cultural heritage and in the depths of its nature. In this connection, I want to thank you sincerely for the excellent reception that was given to us – to me and my associates on the part of the various departments in all the museums and sites that we had the pleasure to visit," stated further Henry Loyrette.
The officials from the Ministry of Culture reminded that Bulgaria has never been represented in the Louvre Museum. It is expected that specific details of the Bulgarian exhibition of valuable artefacts at the famous museum will be considered within a month and a half. The visit of Minister Rashidov is scheduled for September.
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Публикувана на 08/02/11 19:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/176968_The+Louvre+Museum+is+interested+in+cooperation+with+Bulgaria+
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